Kamis, 20 Maret 2014


-         Download dulu WinToFlash  dan Grubinst_Gui 
-         Masukkan CD Win XP ke DVD Room
-         Buka Aplikasi WinToFlash untuk membuat install xp bootable dari flashdisk

-         Kemudian akan muncul tampilan seperti ini

-         Pilih Task pada menu Tabs kemudian klik button Create

-         Kemuadian akan muncul tampilan seperti ini dan klik button Select pada Windows Source Path

-         Kemudian pilih drive DVD room yang sudah ada Win XP nya dan klik OK

-    Klik button Select pada USB drive

-         Pilih Drive USB Flash Disk dan klik OK

-         Setelah itu klik button Run di sudut kanan bawah

-         Setelah itu akan muncul tampilan seperti ini dan pilih I Accepted the terms of the license agreement kemudian klik button Continue

-         Pilih OK

-         Tunggu proses hingga selesai

-         Setelah proses selesai pilih button OK dan close aplikasi WinToFlash

-         Proses pembuatan install XP bootable USB sudah selesai, kemudian buka grubinst_gui yang sudah di download untuk menginstall Flash Disk agar dapat menjalan kan bootable Hiren’s

-         Kemudian pada pilihan disk pilih drive Flask Disk,, di sini contoh nya (hd1)(3694M)

-         Setelah itu pada pilihan Part List klik button refresh,, kemudian pilih Whole disk (MBR)

-         Kemudian klik button Install

-         Maka akan muncul tampilan seperti ini, lalu tekan tombol enter pada keyboard

-       Kemudian proses yang terakhir, copy seluruh file hiren’s yang sudah di download, dan paste kan ke drive Flash Disk.

Semoga tutorial ini bermanfaat bagi teman-teman yang membutuhkan nya…

Selasa, 11 Maret 2014


Computer software, or simply software, also known as computer programs, is the non-tangible component of computers. Computer software contrasts with computer hardware, which is the physical component of computers. Computer hardware and software require each other and neither can be realistically used without the other.
Computer software includes all computer programs regardless of their architecture; for example, executable files, libraries and scripts are computer software. Yet, it shares their mutual properties: software consists of clearly-defined instructions that upon execution, instructs hardware to perform the tasks for which it is designed. Software is stored in computer memory and cannot be touched, just as a 3D model shown in an illustration cannot be touched.[1]
At the lowest level, executable code consists of machine language instructions specific to an individual processor – typically a central processing unit (CPU). A machine language consists of groups of binary values signifying processor instructions that change the state of the computer from its preceding state. For example, an instruction may change the value stored in a particular storage location inside the computer – an effect that is not directly observable to the user. An instruction may also (indirectly) cause something to appear on a display of the computer system – a state change which should be visible to the user. The processor carries out the instructions in the order they are provided, unless it is instructed to "jump" to a different instruction, or interrupted.
Software is usually written in high-level programming languages that are easier and more efficient for humans to use (closer to natural language) than machine language.[2] High-level languages are compiled or interpreted into machine language object code. Software may also be written in a low-level assembly language, essentially, a vaguely mnemonic representation of a machine language using a natural language alphabet. Assembly language is converted into object code via an assembler.